


For the soulful facilitator ready to inhabit their most natural way of being, online.

I actually think you already know why you’re here.

Something about what you saw and heard on my own social media or in an email from me connected with you in a felt way: you gave your attention to what I focused my words on, you started to feel like that was a place you wanted to attend to a little deeper in your own life right now, it made you stop and consider: what if I *could* really lean into this right now? Meaning:

You had a felt experience with my online presence.

Let’s explore how that can go for you and your audience!

Your natural way of being is your most felt social media strategy.

I believe that…

As someone who fell in love with social media (and still fucking loves it) I absolutely had to stop (and keep stopping) myself from using it as the next thing that:

  • I became a chameleon around

  • I enmeshed my emotional stability in

  • I sought self esteem from

  • I changed myself into perfection for

  • I crossed my privacy & energetic boundaries for

  • I overworked until my feltness disappeared

I learned that it was all this subtle diminishment and forcing perception that made social media feel like such hard work (ick) and kept my audience from really experiencing my work!

This is what this 8 week mentorship is a pushing off point for:

stepping into the guidance of your audience through offering your most natural & felt presence, online.

This is an 8 week mentorship into exploring your soul design (think astrology, human design, etc) and rooted service (think lived experiences, self observation, wise perspectives & practices).

You will leave this space having begun the creation of your own felt, fluid and grounded online marketing “plan” attuned to your natural way of being.

(so you can serve and guide your online collective AND not lose sense of yourself in the process)

In this fun, conversational and contemplative process, I'll lead us, using my passion for astrology and human design (plus my experience managing thriving social media accounts and email campaigns for me and my clients) to create an adaptable yet structure METHODOLOGY MAP based completely on YOU, while keeping your audience and service in mind.

This document will help you keep centering back to your natural way of being as you express, guide, focus, serve, sell, steward and share online.

You’ll also have a chance to speak your current social media resistances and receive mentoring, be seen and heard in your exploration, ask questions, ask for feedback and a second eye from the community on what you’re creating, as you wish.

“I believe, truly, that Jenna is the reason that I now enjoy social media.”

That was very much not true for me for a really long time. Like, I was ready to fully get off! 😫And she has helped me subtly, but also intentionally, actually enjoy it, because she showed me that it is possible to LOVE social media.

-Katherine Phillips, Coach & Guide

Inside this excitingly curious space, you’ll:

Explore & contemplate your soul design and deep wisdom.

Let how you function become your social strategy.

Experiment simply out of curiosity for what feels resonate & enjoyable.

Resource yourself for when you feel off center & confused (again!).

Hold loving detachment with your results.

Heck, begin a steady stream of growing results!

Focus + steward your audience’s attention with care.

Begin your process of becoming a felt experience in the online aether.

Speaking into the online ether is simply how I’ve allowed miracles to happen in my life.

Why am I facilitating this course? Because…

Answering an online message is how I opened the door to falling in love with my amazing partner 🌹 and saying yes to a big cross-country move (something I wrote in my journal that year that I wanted!).

Enrolling in an online course brought me into the presence of my first social media community management client 📱, which eventually allowed me to transition to working from home (a long time dream!).

Speaking up on my lived experience around relationships and codependency on Tiktok ignited my mentoring (a most divine kind of service I adore!! 😍) and brought me to a new level of income, with slow, stable ease.

With my Jupiter 🪐 in Aquarius in the 3rd house in my astrology chart - the more I speak, connect & lead focus on social media, the more opportunities come to me.

Blessings, blessings, blessings.

This didn’t mean I didn’t deplete from social media though… I did.

In 2021, with much trepidation & fear, I handed back my clients social media & took a step back from my own for 6 months, to restore & resource myself.

And it was there that my own experiment, my own methodology on being felt online, started to develop.

In that time, I began to resource myself in my real life 🌱.

I stopped looking for validation from likes and began to seek supportive mentors and friendships that modelled for me how to validate myself (and receive theirs).

I widened my narrow mindset around only seeing social media, and by extension, my business, as the source & solution to all my neglected needs and un-soothed emotions.

I didn’t realize I was using my service’s social media to meet my needs until I started to meet these needs in my real life.

(What a cringey initiation and big wisdom that has helped my clients navigating their own biz!)

I also learned to amusingly 🤭 relate to the way I experimented on social media, letting it become a reflection of my natural form and design.

I even learned to center my message and audience in my online spaces, not just myself.

Yeah, I said that.

When I stopped using my space as simply a self-serving endeavor (that sneaky, invisible codependency that I didn’t see until I did!), I became MORE available to show up as the mentor, the speaker, the creative, the writer, the educator I was. (And my people felt that).

2021 was also when I began to really let my design lead my form on social media:

I dove into human design, gene keys, tarot, astrology (‘cause why not have fun clarifying my way of doing things)…

Contemplating and observing how it felt to steward my online landscapes 🌄

What it looked like to facilitate the focus 🔦 of my audience

How to transmit 🏹 my service in a way that could be felt in the online collective…

And 3 years in, my income, audience and willingness to be felt have all kept steadily growing.

Since then, when I feel the sway of social storminess and avoidance, I return to what I know understand about my own methodology and my own felt sense of being… and allow it to help me find my center again, so I can return to the enjoyment of guiding my spaces and being a felt facilitator, online.

do you want to renew your energy, enjoyment & process online?

“I think the magic of what Jenna does is encourage you to do it your own way.”

She helped me peel away the sense of urgency and over performing 😬in my marketing. Now I know my work and social media doesn't define me - and I can do all that and still get what feeds and nourishes me outside of it. She took me to a point where I began to have a really healthy outlook of myself around my work.

-Sarah Tudor, Fine Art Painter

Included Within:

🤳8 live 90 minute guidance calls to explore your design form, contemplate your understanding, speak your guiding focus into becoming a more felt experience, and listen deeply to how you can naturally transmit what you find onto your social media. (call recordings available if you miss or to return to when you hit new eras and pivots!)

🤳30 minutes of each call will be put aside for hot seat mentoring, Q+As and requests for support (yup - even if we use all 90 minutes to get through the explorations and activities, I will stay for up to 30 minutes after to field questions, brainstorm together, offer my experience, etc).

🤳8 Methodology Guides for each call to record design elements, take notes on the learnings, dive into deeper inquiries and translate your contemplations into collective transmissions

🤳8 Reference Sheets with basic astrology & human design notes for each week, and a resource list if you’d like to go deeper

🤳A printable METHODOLOGY MAP where you can record your natural form - one created for you by you, that you can keep handy as you post or to return to when you start losing center or momentum on social.

Dates & Times:

All Live calls are on Wednesdays (4 pm EST // 1 pm PST)

Call Dates: May 29th, June 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, July 3rd, 10th, 17th

Here’s our flow for 8 weeks:

Week One:

Creating an expansive culture.

Using Gene Keys + Jupiter Placements

Week Two:

Centering your underlying contribution.

Using Chiron & Human Design Perspective

Week Three:

Feeling for your future offering.

Using lived wisdom, skill & north node placement

Week Four:

Cultivating a nourishing ambiance.

Using human design environment & Astro houses

Week Five:

Recognizing your brand’s beauty.

Using human design cognition + Venus placement

Week Six:

Posting from intentional catalysts.

Using Human Design Motivation & Mercury

Week Seven:

Facilitating the focus of your audience.

Using Past Modules To Bring It All Together

Week Eight:

Amending disalignment & holding limits.

Using Saturn and Human Design Transfers


  • You do not need to arrive with a full blown business (or any business!)- if you’re leaning towards a purpose that you may want to place into the online space someday, how great to start resourcing yourself for that through this course right now!

  • AND you could arrive with a thriving social media (and years of experience!) - meaning: to join, you don’t have to need this space to be productive for you or be at some frustrating growth edge to want to jump in. You can be here simply to explore some fun Astrological & HD explorations, get to know your energetics better and refresh your social media energy 💞

  • You’ll get no pressure from me to implement the learning onto your social media right away (though I’ll whoop if you do & if you enjoy experimenting with it!!). This is about getting to know your form of guiding focus. Inside you’ll get to hang out with your methodology, relate to it, date it even(!!), before deciding to roll it out and experiment with it on your feed.

  • Be warned: you may just start to enjoy guiding and marketing on social media again 😉

P.S. In case it wasn’t clear, this process is meant to be fun, expansive, interesting, curious and ENJOYABLE

“Working with Jenna on my social media allowed me mental space and creative capacity while trusting that my work, community and social media accounts were being honored in a way that was aligned to my values and uplifted my sense of connection with my followers.

Organization, timeliness and a deep understanding of what I was trying to say meant I could take my hands off the reigns and actually delegate! Jenna is the best at what she does.

-Madison Morrigan, Intuitive Coach



Early Enrollment discount ends May 23rd, 2024 (use code EARLY or EARLYPAYMENTS for $50 off the total cost)


When you sign up before May 23rd, you’ll receive a free 35 minute private session with Jenna, focused on your online presence, which you can book any time over the next 12 months!

$550 usd

One Time Payment

$110 usd

5 Monthly Payments

$55 usd

10 Monthly Payments

Some key questions answered

  • Oh goodness. You know, many people I speak to about it will tell me I am!!

    I’ve been into astrology since I was 16 and used t use my part time job money to by InStyle magazine for the horoscopes (and pretty pictures!). I began learning Human Design in 2020 and use it behind the scenes with clients.

    I don’t claim expertise myself (yet). But I am an avid absorber and rabbit-holer of each.

    Since this space is exploratory, I will offer some basics and more complex nuance, and then invite you to go deeper on your own!

  • Isn’t it so funny how little we sometimes see of all someone is through social media?

    I’ve actually had online presence since 2005, blogs, local service FB pages, writing and book accounts, a tarot podcast and now my IG & Tiktok.

    PLUS - I have been supporting entrepreneurs, creatives and coaches with social media, sales websites, social strategy and community management (behind the scenes) since 2020.

    But it was when my clients started APOLOGIZING for bringing up their businesses and social media in our codependency sessions that I realized what a taboo it has become for some people to admit their social media / business is where their codependence is alive the most (now that it’s not so alive in all their IRL relationships).

    And my energy ZINGED - because I love social media.

    You can’t imagine how elated I was when I offered my self permission to finally GO THERE and address the enmeshment happening in a way that can be fun and interesting!

  • As with all my digital and online courses, I do not offer refunds after the first content drop, due to the nature of the format.

    That said, I encourage questions before purchase.

    You can email me at daylejenna@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram: @jennadayle

    And if you purchase and would like a refund before May 27th (the first content drop) you can alo email me your name, email address and request

Slowly, easefully, steadily…

Become a felt experience, online.